Every woman tries to achieve mystery. To leave men wanting more, baffled at her thoughts and the reasons behind her every action and word. Movies, magazines, and best friends coach us on how to become more tantalizing, to hold back more in order to gain more.
The Mona Lisa has done just this. She is transcendental, no one knows for certain what her beguiling smile reveals. For centuries, scholars have tried to unveil the secret, tried to answer the impossible question--what is she thinking, what does that illusive smile allude to? The paradox is, however, that this is a question that simply has no answer. With all of the other advances in our society, technologically and socially, this one question will remain unresolved.
I am no Mona Lisa. My eyes tell my story very clearly. I am open and honest and as much as I try at times, can not withhold my feelings from being written all over my face. My joy and frustration play upon my lips and my eyes and I am read like an open book. My fiance tells me daily that he knows exactly what I am thinking by just looking at me. He knows when I am mad, or excited, or annoyed, or overwhelmed. This, in itself, frustrates me as I often long to keep these feelings to myself. To maintain even a false sense of mystery or obscurity.
But even as I write these words, apart of me entirely disagrees. Haven't I always wanted someone to know me better than I know myself? To know how to comfort me, support me, love me, fight with me, and stand by me, through thick and thin? I am no Mona Lisa. It does not take a scholar to divulge the secret behind my smile, it only takes one man...my man.
And I really think that is what life is all about. Opening up, becoming vulnerable to love and relationships, both romantic and platonic. Revealing the mystery behind your smile to those you love, to those you trust to hold that secret and guard it, because they love you, too.
I am thankful to have a circle of friends and family that can read my eyes, and my lips, and they love me not only despite what they see, but because of what they see.
I am no Mona Lisa, but I am happy to be me-not mysterious, open and honest about love.... just me.
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