Monday, April 11, 2011

Priorities, Priorities

Priorities are like armpits, everybody has them. Friends, family, work, faith, sleep, shopping, cleaning, working out, reading, traveling, cooking….

The question is, what are mine? The older I get, the more time is of the essence. I only have so long to do the things I have to do during the day, let alone the things I'd like to do. I am constantly making to-do lists, and constantly failing to complete them. For me, one of my priorities is relationships. I would much rather hang out with Brian than clean my house. I would rather grab drinks with friends than do the laundry, and I would rather call my mom than work on bills, paperwork, etc.

But that is the thing about priorities, its not only about what you want to do.  The laundry is ceaselessly piling up (even as I write), Froggie's toys and shed hair adorn my rug and floor, and  the dishes are still on the table waiting to be cleared and cleaned. Hello, Real World.

I need to take a deep breath and consider what is important. No, dirty laundry and dishes are not the end of the world, but I do need to take care of what I have. Yes, relationships are important, but if I sacrifice my sleep, too much of my alone time, or even my health, how good of a friend, family member, or fiance am I? 

One of the reasons I have taken up guitar (it's on my to do list to go practice, haha), is because it is a new hobby, a new challenge just for me. It's a break from everything, and I can spend as much or as little time on it. When I get overwhelmed, I can go strum a song or two, clear my head, and get back on task.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my time…I just have to be more careful how to spend it. Time, much like my bank account, is budgeted, and I need to be wise with it. 

Now I must go tackle the dishes, and just laugh at the fact that 24 hours will never be enough. Happy Prioritizing! 

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