Sunday, October 30, 2011

What a Beautiful Legacy

The older I get, the more I realize that I do not know. It is a harsh but true epiphany and with it comes the overwhelming sensation of desperation. I do not know what to do at times--in fact, more times than not I am at a complete loss, I am not always sure how to proceed in any given circumstance, and the future is a tremendous unknown full of potential opportunities and certain mistakes. 

In summation, this is my life. Not all together different than anyone else's from this standpoint. Scary, exciting, turbulent, dynamic, and hard.

The other day, when these overwhelming thoughts were consuming me, I began to think of my grandparents.

Random, I know, but allow me to explain.

I am a firm believer in the old adage: "There is nothing new under the sun", and when I look at my grandparents I am comforted by this thought. These people, whom I absolutely adore, know what I am going through.

Every situation I may find myself in, from life-changing decisions, to petty issues among family members, they have been there. And not only have they been there, but they have overcome that situation, they have learned from it, and they have moved on.

I am so thankful for the examples that they set for my life. My grandparents are strong, honest, hard-working individuals. They are firm in their beliefs and their values and they are the proud patriarchs of two great families.

I am humbled by the insight that they have, the experiences they have been through. I love that I can go to them with any circumstance and not only do they bestow their wisdom, they also shed perspective on that particular situation for me. What I may deem in the heat of the moment as a dire circumstance, they know to be a minor speed bump along the road of life. 

They have had many celebrations over the course of their lives, and they are the first to celebrate with me. They have also had their share of heartaches and tragedies, and they never cease to be there for me through my hard times.

My grandparents are beautiful people. They are full of love, grace, encouragement, and wise words of advice. They know what true pain is, and they know what real joy is. They know from first hand experience that life brings both in time, and they also know that God is faithful through the good times and the bad.

That is the legacy that they are giving me. 

I love you, Grandma, Gammie, and Gampie.

I miss you every single day, Grandpa.

Thank you all for your prayers, your wisdom, your perspective and your love.

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