Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise

For me, I choose the mountains.

I spent this past weekend with my family in Breckenridge and enjoyed every minute of the mountain air and laughter with some of my favorite people.

Don't get me wrong, I could spend my life wasting away at the beach, soaking up the sun and salted air, listening to the seagulls' cry for food, and the lapping of the waves against the sandy shore....but there is just something the mountains.

I love the feeling of being so small against their majestic heights. I love the jagged peaks and the soft, rolling foothills. I love the brisk air and the pristine blue skies above. I love the fresh scent of the pines, and the cozy atmosphere of the little villages tucked in between the peaks.

When I look upon the vastness of the ocean, I feel a sense of desolation and intimidation at the depths that I can barely begin to comprehend. But when I look upon the mountains, I am overwhelmed with a feeling of excitement and adventure. My mind spins with the possibilities, summer and winter alike, of all that these mountains have in store for me. Adventures untold, and breathtaking vistas to discover. 

Yes, for me, I love the mountains and the constant reminder they hold for me. That life is bigger than my small world. That there are always adventures to be had, and that there is a God above who is a magnificent Artist.

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