Sunday, March 6, 2011

Loving every minute

Time flies, there is no denying it. Blink and you've missed a moment, a day or even a decade...or so it seems much of the time. Because of this, and maybe my recent birthday that (debatably) puts me in my "mid" twenties, I'm determined to not miss a thing. So the other day I was thinking about why its so great to be a twenty-something, and what makes this decade so unique, and here is what I concluded:

Though I dutifully get up when my alarm goes off in the morning...I still manage to run in to work breathless and barely on time.

Though all of the "professionals" at my office have ironed shirts and manicures to nail polish is chipped and my clothes are inevitably wrinkled day after day (sorry Mom).

Though I am now officially enrolled in life and health insurance bigger concern is my allowance for shoes each month.

Though I've kissed college goodbye and am in the "real world"....I still hang out with all my friends and still sport my college t-shirts daily.

Though I watch the news and read the Journal....Gossip Girl is still on my DVR.

Though I drink wine and have dinner parties....chicken fingers are still one of my favorite delicacies.

Being a twenty-something means being a beautiful mix of adult responsibilities and child-like privileges. I have to go to work, be responsible, make wise choices and save my money. BUT I can still be young, vivacious, impulsive, and at times, selfish. Being a twenty something means exploring and defining adulthood. Being a twenty something means weening off childhood ideals, but keeping childlike faith. Being a twenty something means learning tremendous amounts from the older and wiser, and giving back as much as I can to the younger and less fortunate. Being a twenty something means that tests don't end when I receive my diploma, but on the contrary, they become harder and more dire. Being a twenty something means not taking life too seriously and never giving up on my dreams, no matter how big or impossible they may seem.

All in all, its good to be a twenty something.